How to build body trust

Building body trust takes time! But the best way to get there? Throw out the diet culture BS!


You don’t need “body composition scans” or weigh ins - you can tell when you’re getting stronger or faster!


Your body IS inherently WISE ❤️ Take stock of ALL the small victories and ditch diet culture today!

Ways I build body trust in the gym:

  • Stopped weighing my body

  • Stopped tracking every workout on my watch

  • Gave myself permission to stop/change my workout if it wasn’t what my body needed

  • Getting rid of phrases like 'never miss a Monday' and ‘no pain no gain’

  • Reminding myself that all forms of movement 'count'

If any of these ideas seem scary or overwhelming, that’s okay! - small steps are still progress! Play around with incremental changes, like giving yourself permission to stop a workout 5 minutes early if you’re feeling tired.


Not every workout has to be perfect!


Why are there different phases in strength training?